Monday, September 19, 2016

Bumpdate: Week 7

How far along: 7 weeks

Due Date: March 29, 2017

Baby is the size of: A raspberry

Symptoms: Extremely tired, sore boobs, and I've had moments of feeling nauseous, but nothing bad at all.  Also, I've had my first few headaches (no fun!) and according to my Husband, I've been extremely moody.  *insert eye roll emoji right here*

Gender: Same as week 6-- Too early to tell.  I say girl-- Josh says boy :)

Name: won't know until we know the gender.

Movement: too early for that, but I am looking forward to the movement in the weeks to come!

Nursery: Still using the nursery as my workout space.  Utilizing it for as long as possible.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I practically live in PJs when I'm not working.  My workout clothes are starting to feel tight and gross.

Sleep: Sleep has been amazing.  This past weekend I basically slept it away.  I can't get enough.

Best Moment This Week: Just getting through another one of these "early" weeks and hitting 7 weeks.

Missing Anything: coffee, diet coke (I didn't even drink them that much) but anything with caffeine.

Cravings/Aversions: Craving unhealthy foods, still.  Not any bad aversions, but plain WATER makes me feel queasy.  I've been living off of lemonade, Root Beer, and Sprite.  How healthy, right?!  Oh, and I get weird aversions to things I ate the previous day.  For example: I had amazing buffalo pretzel bites yesterday and they don't sound appetizing at all to me right now.

Health/Exercise: I just started Country Heat- which I'm super excited about.  It's a low impact, cardio dance workout.  I've not felt like working out AT ALL- but I'm pushing myself to continue with them because I know if I skip a day, I'll be all outta whack.

Mood: feeling blah now- I just feel weird and not myself in a way.  Like I'm battling a long-term hangover.  ha

Husband: He will hate me putting this out there- but we've been testing each other a lot lately. I've been moody and have had multiple headaches and he gets aggravated with me easy.  Granted, I do milk this thing more than I should be right now.

Looking Forward To: still looking forward to our dating ultrasound and telling family.

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