Monday, September 19, 2016

Bumpdate: Week 10

How far along: 10 weeks

Due Date: March 29, 2017

Baby is the size of: Tart Kumquat, but way less sassy ;) ha

Symptoms: tired and hungry at times.  Certain days I'm not in the mood to cook or really eat either, but then sometimes I'm starving.

Gender: way too early to know ;)

Name: we have them picked out already!

Movement: too early for that, but I am looking forward to the movement in the weeks to come!

Nursery: still going over what we like and don't like!

Maternity Clothes: My sister gave me a few things and I bought my first pair of maternity pants for work-- but I'm not sure if I like them yet.  I'm still in that awkward stage.

Sleep: so tired and make sure to get in naps during the weekends.  I have found the past couple of nights it's been a little harder to get comfortable.  I'm also getting up about 2 times each night to go potty.

Best Moment This Week: Telling our parents!!!

Missing Anything: coffee {which I'm going to start drinking a cup every now and then-- watching my caffeine intake, of course}

Cravings/Aversions: unhealthy foods.  But, I'm starting to feel the effects of the bad stuff I'm eating.  So- I'm trying to have lots of semi-healthy snacks and lunch options for the week.

Health/Exercise: I'm finishing up my last week of Country Heat!  Still loving it and think it's the PERFECT workout for those mamas-to-be.

Mood: super crabby and babes isn't liking it at all-- can someone PLEASE tell him to suck it up for a while?

Husband: SO EXCITED and we got to tell our FAMILIES--- and he wants to tell EVERYONE and I don't want to...yet!  ha

Looking Forward To: my appointment next Thursday--- and for being able to {hopefully soon} find the heartbeat on the Doppler my sister gave me.

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