Monday, September 19, 2016

Bumpdate- Week 6

How far along: 6 weeks

Due Date: March 29, 2017

Baby is the size of: A blueberry--- how cute, right?!

Symptoms: Extremely tired and sore boobs.  That's about it.  Oh, I've been pretty hungry lately.

Gender: Too early to tell.  I say girl-- Josh says boy :)

Name: We've pretty much already picked a boy and girl name out.  That's always subject to change, though.

Movement: too early for that, but I am looking forward to the movement in the weeks to come!

Nursery: Nothing has been done in the nursery and I've still been using it as my "junk" room and fitness space.  We definitely need to rent a storage unit because we seriously don't have anywhere to put the extra stuff.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet-- even though I feel like I could rock some and feel amazing.  My clothes have been super tight thanks to the mega bloat I've been experiencing.

Sleep: Sleep has been amazing.  I'm so sleepy most of the time.

Best Moment This Week: Hitting the 6 week mark.  I feel like as the weeks progress-- I'll feel a little better about myself.

Missing Anything: not really, yet... *update* I'm missing endless amounts of coffee... like cup after cup.  I've not been drinking coffee on a regular basis because of the caffeine.  I've been continuing my pre-workout supplement, energize, which contains 100 mg of caffeine (and my max per day is 200) so I've opted to not drink coffee.  TODAY though, I traded in my pre-workout for a SMALL iced vanilla coffee from chick-fil-a. (89 mg of caffeine) Seriously- my weakness.  I'm sure I'll regret it this evening when I get my workout in without a boost of energy.  ha.

Cravings/Aversions: Craving any and everything carb and unhealthy.  I've been super hungry, so food in general sounds great.  Not having any food aversions at all.

Health/Exercise: I've been finishing my last week of 22 Min Hard Corps and I actually decided to tackle Hell Week, which is basically 2 workouts a day.  I don't know what I was thinking but I have been doing them and modifying a WHOLE BUNCH! 

Mood: excited but SUPER NERVOUS. 

Husband: Josh is SO EXCITED and HAPPY! And I think he's bursting at the seams just a little more than me to spill the beans...

Looking Forward To: our dating ultrasound on August 22nd.  It feels like forever away.

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