I've already posted before about this thing called the 3 Day Refresh. I completed it back in June after I came back from Beachbody Summit and I'm not going to lie.... The 3 days of detoxing were hard as hell. I wanted everything I saw and couldn't eat. Even a juicy cheeseburger that Josh cooked on the last day, the last night, of my Refresh.
So, I lost 3 lbs the first-go-round. I stocked up on another one since I KNEW I would need it sooner than later, especially with my upcoming wedding.
I've been feeling bloated, gross, fat, ugly, this, that, and the other (ha!) for a few weeks, so I think it might be time for me to start another one.
It's also perfect timing that I have a customer who just ordered the Refresh as well. I think I want to try to do it with her for some accountability.
I'll need it.
SO, here's just a public notice that I'm going to be doing this.. SOON
Please wish me luck and stay tuned for the blog. I'll be sure to blog my process and each day of the REFRESH... I PROMISE this time I'll blog it all!
I am already feeling refreshed just typing this ;)