Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pickling Cucumbers

After I begged and annoyed Josh for a whole year, he finally gave in and gave me what I had always been dreaming of....


Wahoo-  It's actually really small and we planted roma tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, banana peppers and watermelon.

If you would see my backyard now, it's 1/2 covered in watermelon vine.  It looks like a forest got sick in my lawn. 

I seriously don't think that my garden could hold the watermelon by itself let alone the cucumbers, tomatoes, and two kinds of peppers.

Whoopsie.  I guess lesson learned and we will note that for next years garden!

But, we did get LOTS of cucumbers!  Thankfully, Josh and I both love them.  We also love pickles.  So, we decided to give at home canning a shot. 

The first batch of pickles were ready this past Sunday and they are GOOD!!

Nom. Nom. Nom.!

What's your favorite fresh garden vegetable?

Do you like canning?


Friday, July 25, 2014

Maid to Perfection

A couple of weeks ago, my Brides(maids), my Mom and Aunt all got together for a "Maid to Perfection Party".

If you don't know what that is then I'm about to tell you!  It's a "PARTY" that my local bridal store Voila hosts for the bride and her maids to come together for a chance to select the bridesmaids dresses!  It's filled with champagne, cupcake, munchies, and lots of dresses!

All of my maids (minus 2) were able to come and we had a GREAT day!

Before the party we had a luncheon at Fin-N-Filet.  The same restaurant will host my bridal luncheon the day of the wedding!

Eek--- TODAY is officially 6 months until WEDDING day!

Sorry, I got a little side-tracked.

Here are some pictures from the luncheon and Maid to Perfection Party!

The two most important ladies in my life.  My Sister and Mom.

 My day wouldn't be complete without my Cousin, Caroline!
My soon to be "sister in love" Julia

My Idol and Mama!
Hope you enjoy the review and pictures!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Simple Things in Life

What makes you happy in life?

You could answer this with: family, friends, money, your spouse, children, etc.  OR you could answer with all of the above.

I tend to get so focused on the BIG PICTURE that I don't sit back and think about the small things, the SIMPLE things in life. 

For instance, last night, I decided to take a WALK around the neighborhood.  I wanted to get out and exercise.  I wasn't focused on running or jogging (something that is NOT my favorite), but rather on soaking up the outdoors. 

I LOVED it.  It felt so relaxing.  I listened to music and just took in the sights from around the neighborhood.  An older gentleman was out front taking in some fresh air and cars were coming in from their evening festivities.

Like I said, I tend to think about the BIG things in life--- how I will be able to provide for my future children, how I'll be able to purchase my dream home,  how I'll retire.

These things are all GREAT and I believe in dreaming BIG and mapping out a plan for your future.

But... we must take in the simple things NOW before they are gone! 

Today, I encourage you to....


Friday, July 11, 2014

High Five! It's Friday!

I want to devote this post to my Friday and for what's ahead for the weekend!  I have a FEW busy, fun, and EXCITING weekends ahead and this one kicks it off and I could NOT be any more excited!

First off--- TODAY I got up at 5:15 AM (It's not easy) and did a 21 Day Fix Total Body Cardio Workout.  If you haven't heard of The 21 Day Fix, then check it out HERE.  It's my soul mate workout.  It's my favorite.  I love it.  The end.

I knew I needed to workout this morning because TONIGHT I'm heading Uptown Greenwood to check out the Festival of Discovery that comes to town every year.  It's a huge BBQ Festival and it's always a fun time!  I'm preparing myself in advance for all of the yumminess I'm sure to eat tonight... I'm going to try to keep it as clean as possible.. promise ;)

Saturday--- ALL of my maids (except for one- we will miss you Jessica) are coming to town for a Maid to Perfection Party!   The bridal shop, (Voila!), that I got my dress from hosts these super awesome parties for the bridesmaids to come and try on and get fitted for their dresses.  This will be the first time all of my maids are together at the same time and I can't WAIT to see them! It's been awhile since I've seen some of them!

Stay tuned for updates from the Maid to Perfection Party!  I hope to get a post up by Sunday with all of the details (at least the details I can spill ;))

Have a GREAT weekend!  XO,

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The 3-Day Refresh

If you follow me through Facebook, you will know that for the past 3 days I've been doing what is called The 3-Day Refresh.  It is a new program that is designed to remove toxins from your body to either cleanse you, jump start you on a diet, or to get rid of unwanted vacation lbs that were gained.  For ME, it was indulging in too much "bad for you" food and I NEEDED and WANTED to do something about it.

So... I've never done a detox or a cleanse before.  I jumped in blind, not having the slightest clue what to expect.  It was 3 days.  I could do it.

Day 1---  Interesting.  I had to drink a fiber sweep mid-morning.  The flavor and texture was unlike anything I'd ever had before.  It was citrus-y to a certain degree and wasn't AWFUL.  I got it done.  The rest of the day went as planned.  I DID feel hungry towards the end of Day 1.

Day 2--- I KNEW what I was doing.  I was in a rhythm.  I started to get tired of the same ole' hummus and veggies so I knew I wanted to pick up some almond butter to substitute on the 3rd day.  I was almost halfway through and KNEW I could do it.

Day 3--- I was ready for it to be over.  I was hungry.  I didn't want anymore veggies (and I usually LOVE veggies)! BUT, I stuck by everything even while my sweet soon-to-be hubs grilled TWO cheeseburgers!  Thanks, HUN!

And nowwwww for the results.  Dun Dun Dun.....

I lost THREE lbs!!

I am NO longer BLOATED-- bye bye bloat!

I DO have more energy!

I truly feel accomplished for not only doing something I didn't think I could stick to, but for doing something AMAZING for my body.  My body sure needed a great detox!

You can't tell much by the picture, but I do feel like I've lost the puffiness around my tummy.  I actually weighed in this morning the lightest I've EVER been in my life!  

SO--- how do you think I did?! I want to know!


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