Friday, March 13, 2015

High Five! It's Friday!

Another week has come and gone and one of my favorite days has finally arrived... FRIDAY!

I guess the only reason it's my favorite day is because it's the last day of the work week.  How sad is that?  It's not that I don't love my job.  It's just that when you are running on Day 5 of the same ole, same ole, you get TIRED and burned out!

Friday's used to be about going out, having fun with friends and staying out late.  Now, I'm lucky to be up at 10PM.  I think I'm just so drained, it's only natural for me to get to bed early.  Plus, my whole mindset has shifted.

Truth be told, I've never really enjoyed partying it up till 2AM.  I'm just not that girl.  If you are, then that's great! 

Here's a little fun facts about the week and some of my favorites:

1. It was Josh's 29th Birthday on Wednesday!  We celebrated the best way we knew how.....grilling out steaks (his fav!) and then finishing the night with a homemade (somewhat) strawberry cake.  Okay, let's be honest... I used a box cake mix but spruced it up a bit.  I DID whip up some homemade cream cheese frosting from scratch...take that Betty Crocker!

This is Josh from this past Sunday, celebrating his birthday with the rest of our family.  He had his favorite dessert of all time, cheesecake.
2. Josh and I got to enjoy the fresh air and warmer temps.  HELLO spring.  If it wasn't raining and cold today, I'd almost believe that SPRING is here to stay.  I love colder weather and the thought of snow, but I'm SO ready for warm weather.  I love both of them and I love that we get to experience 4 different seasons every year.  We are blessed, right?

3. Well, this hasn't happened yet, but I'm looking forward to Josh being home Saturday (tomorrow).  He's working tonight not far from home, so he will be home the rest of the weekend with me.  Let's just say when he's gone the whole weekend, I'm super bored and miss him tons.  YAY for spending time with him!

Okay---do you have any faves from the week or anything you're looking forward to this weekend?  I want to hear it!


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