Poor Stella has been through more in her short 3 years with me than any dog should ever go through in their whole time here on Earth.
When I got home from work that evening, Josh said she was fine, she just had fluid in her ear, and even jokingly asked if he could stick a needle in there and pop it! I absolutely, 100% said NOOO!
I still wasn't really concerned (again, that's my naïve self!). But, I did decide to do a little googling. I googled "fluid in dog ear". The results were scary. Shocking.
What in the world is this? Apparently, it's a socket of blood that forms when a blood vessel bursts due to either: excessive shaking of the head, ear mites, ear infections, trauma, or dog fighting (goes hand in hand with dog fighting).
Well, I knew she didn't have an ear infection. But, I do know that Hudson (our 64 lb. goldendoodle who thinks he is Stella's size--- 12 lbs) likes to pounce on her and get her to play with him daily. Stella isn't that playful (she's an older dog, mind you) and our 15 month old puppy doesn't get that.
So, the next day, Stella's ear got even BIGGER.... MORE FLUID= one freaked out dog mama!
I called immediately to our veterinarian and she was seen yesterday. It is Hematoma. The only thing they can do is Surgery, to drain it.
What's the problem you may ask? Stella has Addison's Disease. It's a disease where her body starts shutting down when she gets put in a stressful situation. Surgery=MEGA stressful situation. The last time she had surgery (the only time I've ever known her to have it) was not long before she went into a complete Addisonian crisis and almost died.
My heart is torn. Right now we are icing her ear 3 times a day in hopes that it will stop expanding. But, if not, then we will have to explore the idea of surgery.
Is this how it is with children? Not sure if my heart can take it! Do you have any experience with Hematoma in dogs? What was your experience like, if so? Give me some tips!
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