Friday, November 14, 2014

3 Day Refresh: Day 1

Yesterday was Day 1 of the 3 Day Refresh and I'm just now getting around to posting a recap... So let's do this.

First of all: if you're just now following me, The 3 Day Refresh is pretty much a short detox where you can let go of toxins from your body, jump start a new workout program/weight loss, or just use it as a refresh every month or quarterly.

It eliminates all dairy, grains, carbs, and meat from your  diet.  You drink Shakeology daily, 2 Vanilla Fresh Protein Shakes a day, and have a Fiber Sweep once a day (it's a fiber drink).  In addition to that, you have 2 servings of veggies, 2 servings of healthy fats (hummus, avocado, almond butter, etc.) and then 2 servings of fruits.  Then, there is a vegetarian option for dinner each night.

So, now back to yesterday, Day 1:

I felt GREAT.  I was a little "gassy" to be honest at night.  I didn't feel foggy.  The Fiber Sweep was not as bad as I remembered.  I think it helped going into this round since I'd already been there, done that, and I knew what to expect.

Also note: I am doing this round the "Laura" way.  I am using 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk in my shakes, rather than just water.  Last night I even replaced my Vanilla Fresh for a regular Shakeology.  Shoot me.

So, for breakfast I had:

Strawberry Shakeology, 8 oz. unsweetened almond milk, dash of Pure Vanilla Extract, 1/2 banana, Ice cubes.

I didn't get a picture of the fiber sweep.  I pretty much downed it in the break room in under 30 seconds! HA
My lunch was hummus and carrots and a Vanilla Fresh Shake mixed w/ 8 oz. unsweetened almond milk, dash of pure vanilla extract, 1/2 banana, cinnamon, ice.

For dinner, I chose to fix the lemony green beans.  You steam 6 oz of green beans and then toss them in a mixture of lemon juice, EVOO, and a little sea salt.  I loved them and so did the babies (fur-babies that is!)

Today is over 1/2 way over and so far, so good!  I have wanted to give up about 10 times now.. HA.  But, no for real.  I have been battling a small headache today and this cold front that came through makes me want some comfort food really bad!  But, I'm chuggin' along and will finish what I started!



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