Friday, February 7, 2014

High Five! It's Friday!


Work has been busy, busy, busy as we are about half-way into our Audit this year!  Being an accountant, we are on high-alert and needed at any moment to provide things for the Auditor's.  It's kind of exciting, but it has been SUPER busy!

I am really looking forward to this weekend.  My best friend from Middle School is getting married and I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle!  Congratulations, Magen & Clay!

Also, on a side note::: Beachbody came out with a new program called The 21 Day Fix! It's an amazing program and I cannot wait to get mine! The actual program itself sold out within the first 8 hours.  They sold more in 8 hours than they projected to sell in the WHOLE WEEK! How crazy is that?  It just goes to show that it is THAT amazing of a product!  Challenge Packs were still available, but they have now gone on back order for 10 days.  I can imagine it will be pushed back further in another day or two! The FIX focuses on PORTION CONTROL (it even comes with color coated containers designated for the food groups.  As long as you can fit it in the container, you can eat it!) and it also incorporates 30 minute workouts everyday for the 21 days.  People got mega good results, even losing 15 lbs in the 21 days!! CRAY CRAY!

If you want to join in on my next 21 Day Fix Group (as soon as you get the product, of course!) then let me know ASAP!!! You NEED to RESERVE your copy ASAP so it won't be April before you can get it.  Seriously (the program only is projected to ship LATE MARCH!)

Message me, comment below, or follow this link::::: HERE!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


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