Thursday, February 27, 2014

Goldendoodle puppies

If you follow me on Facebook, you should be well aware that Josh and I just brought home our goldendoodle 11 month old pup.  He came with the name Dasher, that we quickly changed to Hudson.  We didn't think he fit the "Dasher" name.

When it came to discussing getting a new pet for our family, Josh and I had many discussions over which breed to get.  He was used to BIG dogs (he just had to put to sleep his best friend Nich, a Siberian Husky) and wanted another dog like him.  However; we live in a smallish townhome and don't have a yard for an outside dog.  I feared that the dog would completely DESTROY our small back patio.

I had seen pictures of goldendoodle pups and fell in love with their teddy bear like qualities.  I started doing research and found a breeder in the area.

Benefits of a goldendoodle:

1. GREAT family pet.  They are good with children (which is a MUST since I will (hopefully) be having my own in the next 3-5 years or so).
2.  Hypoallergenic.  If you know me, you know I struggle with sinuses.  Anything can trigger them and I worried that a dog who sheds would keep me sick all of the time.  Goldendoodles are perfect for me.
3.  They are supposedly VERY smart and LOYAL.  I like that. 
4.  They are BIG dogs (Hudson will be around 50 lbs).  Even though they are big, they are big giants.  Being a big dog is a plus for Josh.  He didn't want a froofroo dog, like my Stella.
5.  They don't shed!  This goes back to the hypoallergenic.  I can't deal with a house full of dog hair.
6.  They are ADORABLE!

So, we are all very excited about Hudson and I can't wait until we break him of his bad habits (especially potty training).  This is a new ball game for me and I am learning as I go.  Pray that I stay sane these next few months ;)

Here's our sweet family.  I'm holding Stella (my adopted maltese mix) and Josh holding Hudson the day we brought him home!)


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