Friday, November 1, 2013

30 days of Thanksgiving... Day 1

I've always seen in years past, people who participate in a thing called the 30 Days of Thanksgiving.  Everyday for the 30 days in November, you tell what you are thankful for.  I am thankful for so much, so I am jumping on the bandwagon this year.  Each day, I will post a little something that I am thankful for. Just a heads up-- some will be funny and some will be serious!  Here it GOES!!

Day 1-

I am thankful for doctors and medicine.

I find this all so fitting because I currently have a sore throat and am losing my voice.  Although, I'm not to the point where I want to visit a physician, I am SO thankful that they are out there if needed.  I am all for visiting doctors/specialists when I need to and I will glady take medicine to help me feel better.

Some of you may disagree with me when it comes to medicating myself.  Growing up when I had a headache or something, my Mom gave me medicine.  You know what it did?  It helped me!

Some people, Josh included, do not believe in medicine and taking it unless they absolutely positively need it.  I, on the other hand, wholeheartedly believe in it.  After all, Doctors and Physicians were put on this earth to ease our pain and to help us get better.  Right?

So TODAY, Day 1, I am thankful for doctors and medicine.

Here's to getting through this workday and having the weekend to rest and recuperate!

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