Saturday, October 26, 2013

reminiscing on the good times

Have you ever stepped back to think about everything you are thankful for?  I have a confession.  I often take things for granted.  I don't look at the big picture.  I often live in the moment and if I'm upset or mad about something or at someone, I tend to stay that way.  I hardly ever sit back and think about why things are the way they are.  Often times, it's a little thing that doesn't even deserve to make me upset.

The saying "don't cry over spilled milk." is so true.  Unfortunately, I do let little things get to me.  If someone says something hurtful or mean, I get upset.  I think "why me"?  But, I should step back and think "Why NOT me"!

I have so much to be thankful for.  I have the best family, the best fiance, the best dog (other's would beg to differ!), a great job, a house, a car, clothes on my back, sheets on my bed, food in my fridge, and the list can go on and on.  Some people don't have any of the above things I am thankful for.  I get so caught up in what I WANT and what I CAN'T have... I lose sight of everything that I've been blessed with.

I am thankful for all that God has given me.  He knew what he was doing when he surrounded me with the best friends and family in the world.  I would make it without them, but it sure is great knowing I have people to lean on and who can keep me company and sane when I need them.

Everything that was given to me as a child was amazing.  It wasn't until around 3 years ago when I got my first job and realized how HARD it was to save up.  Especially for a vacation for multiple people.  As a child, I was blessed to get to go MANY places.  I traveled to many places I probably won't be able to visit again.  I know how hard it is for many families and myself to afford to go on vacations.  I hope that I will be able to give my children the childhood I had.  Again, I am blessed.  I've often mentioned this to those who are close to me.  But, I feel like I had, hands down, the most perfect childhood I could imagine.  Everything was perfect from my perspective.  I had the family I needed, great friends, went to a great school, had my dream birthday party every single year.  I got most of what I wanted.  I hope you don't think I'm bragging when I say this.  It's not my intention.  It's my intention to show you that no matter what happens in life, you need to stop and think about all you have.

I didn't realize that I had the most perfect childhood until a few years ago.  It all happens so fast.. life happens.  If we don't stop and smell the roses, so to speak, we are going to miss what's right in front of us.  SO, today, I want you to tell me ONE thing you are thankful for!  I mentioned MANY things I am thankful for ;)


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