Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter weekend Re-Cap

I've been meaning to do a little Easter Re-Cap and haven't had a chance. I had a blast with Josh and spent a little too much time out in the fresh air.... My allergies are getting the best of me so far this week and I'm hoping they pass quickly.

Friday--- I was off work for Good Friday. Hallelujah. I love a Good Friday off. Josh and I went to a cute little country restaurant called Grits and Groceries. Their food is to die for and it was Josh's first try. 

How cute is the chicken!? 

We then spent the rest of the afternoon shopping at Lowes for some spring flowers and for more fertilizer. Josh also picked up a cute bulldog. Even I approved of the purchase. We also soaked up the sun on the back patio complete with an ice cream truck treat! 

(Photo to come) 

Saturday, Josh and I took the pups to Georgia to Watson Mills State Park. I had never been and it was neat walking the trails, seeing the one lane bridge, and looking at the falls and river. We will definitely be back. 

Sunday was a refreshing day. We started out with our church Service, followed by a brunch and then a joint Sunday school class. Then, we headed over to Josh's grandaddys house where he washed his truck that he's got up for sale and I got in a Beachbody on Demand (#BOD) Chalene Extreme workout. We took the pups with us and they enjoyed the sunshine. 

We finished the day with a traditional Easter dinner and spent it with my family. 

Blessed is all I can say. 

1 comment :

  1. Really cute family pictures :)



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