Sunday, March 18, 2012

Updates on Stella

Between Stella and me, it seems as if one of us is either sick or having a surgery.  This time it was my princess, Stella.

This picture was taken this morning of Stella.  I woke her up from her sleep... oops :) Notice her arm in the picture. She had to have some of it shaved for the IV cath to be placed in her. 

As you saw from my last post, Stella had surgery this past Friday.  She had her teeth cleaned, was spayed, and had 2 growths removed.

We first thought she had one growth, but it was actually two small ones right beside each other.  They are both sent off for testing to see what they are.  Stella also had her teeth cleaned and had to get 3 teeth extracted.  My poor baby hardly has any teeth left.. it doesn't matter to me though, I love her just as much as I got her.. if not more.

The surgery went well, as I was told.  She is in the recovery process now, and I feel so helpless for her.  She has 3 incisions and my biggest challenge is to keep her from licking her stitches.  She is a HUGE licker and I just knew she would try to lick them, and she definitely has.

Knowing that she was a licker, I bought an Elizabethan collar (E-collar, Cone) for her.  She HATES it and I HATE it even more.  I put it on her and she immediately ran into a shoe of mine.. go figure.  She then proceeded to freak out.  She darted out of my room, hitting the wall with the cone.  I had to hold her down just to get the cone off.  I then put it on her last night in my bed, thinking that it would be better since she wouldn't run into anything.  I calmed her down and for about 10 minutes she was alright.  She wouldn't sleep, but finally stopped breathing heavy.  After about 10 minutes, she jumped up and tried to run off the bed, like a crazy dog.  Thankfully I stopped her just in time and have since tried putting it on her.  A stern "NO" from me usually gets her to stop licking but I am in a pickle as what to do when I have to go to work tomorrow and for the rest of the week.  The thought of putting her in the E-collar and having her have a panic attack while I am gone tears my nerves up.  I am actually scared she will hurt her incisions more trying to get the cone off than licking them.  When she has the cone on, she goes into panic mode only thinking about getting it off.

Other than her licking, I feel that she is getting better.  Her personality is starting to show again, and she has picked up her pace when walking her (short walks only). 

I am thankful for another day home with her, to monitor her and to love on her.  I have never been through anything like this before.  I've never been responsible for someone or something who has just undergone a major surgery.  I have learned many things from this but the biggest thing I learned was that I love Stella more than anyone else.  She is my world and knowing she is in pain kills me.  For now, we will be resting and I will be giving her all my sugars.  :)

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