Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday Funday

Oh.My.Word.  I was little miss Laura Homemaker yesterday.  I am so proud of myself and I would like to give myself a pat on the back.  Yesterday, I made homemade powdered laundry detergent.  So amazing.  Thanks to pinterest and the Being Creative Blog, I successfully made my own laundry detergent.  I cut the recipe in half, since I'm only doing laundry for myself.  It took me in all about 30 minutes to make it. 

This is the before picture, with all of my ingredients

I ended up using 1 1/2 bars of the Fels Naptha soap, 1/2 box of the Arm and Hammer Washing Soda, 1/2 box of Borax, and the whole thing of Baking Soda

This is the after picture of grating the Fels Naptha soap... It looks like cheese!

All finished!

I washed a couple loads of laundry after making the soap.  Everything seems to turn out nice and clean.  However, there is not a scent to it, as I knew going into this project.  For those of you who like a scent, a liquid detergent might be better since you can add essential oils to make it smell nice.  Along with this, I use my homemade Softener, which consists of 1 part hair conditioner, 1 part white vinegar, and 2 parts water. 

**Also, the Fels Naptha soap DOES dissolve in the water.  I read what others posted on the above blog, so I put in the laundry detergent and let the water fill up 1/2 way before adding any clothes.  I also found on another blog that if the shreds bother you, that you can put the mixture, little by little, in a food processor to make it all a powdery substance!**

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