Wednesday, January 6, 2016

::366 in 2016::

I'm going for 366 in 2016. 

You may have seen others with this same phrase and, frankly, it could mean different things. But, for me, it means that I'm going for 366 straight days of Shakeology-- my healthiest meal of the day as cheesy as that sounds. 

It 366 days because it's a leap year! 

Why am I doing this? Simple. It's my daily multivitamin. My daily dose of nutrients. My probiotic. My healthiest meal of the day. Shakeology keeps me regular above all things... Sorry if that's TMI. I was always irregular prior to Shakeology going days without any 'activity'. Now, you can almost pinpoint it down to the hour.. Crazy.. But it feels good in every aspect. It also gives me energy. It makes my hair and nails grow FAST and strong. It curbs my sweet tooth. 

It's pretty amazing and I feel like poo when I DONT drink it... Hence my reasoning for 366 in 2016!! 

I'll keep you posted on how I do. So far-- I'm 6/6 in 2016! 

Here's also a few things I've been up to in the fitness/nutrition department! 

Day 1 of the challenge. I used my Shakeology as my 'go to' after I burned my collards. Oops. 

Proclaiming my challenge! 

Yoga Fix with my trainer this past Sunday. It felt good to stretch! 

Shakeology strong! 

I want to know-- are you going for 366 in 2016 or doing some other type of challenge? Let me know! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

hello ::2016::

I say this every year and feel like a broken record, but 2 0 1 6 is the year that I'm actually going to get on my blogging train.

I have a few New Years Resolutions that I'm going to share and do my best to keep true to my word.  Who wants to hold me to it?

New Year Resolutions:

1.  Eat Healthier & Consistently workout

Yes, I realize that most people have this on their list.  But, I KNOW for a fact that I feel SO MUCH BETTER when I actually eat healthier foods.  The more good I put in my body, the better I feel.  Same goes for working out.

2.  Blog 3 times a week

I want to share my ups and downs and my journey with #1 above with all of you, the people who love and support me every single day.

3.  Save money

My sweet Husband likes to remind me daily of my bad spending habits.  I really struggle with the "life is too short and we're not guaranteed tomorrow" and the "you have to save money for the important things in life".  I need a good 50/50 balance with this.  Part of me says why save when I might not be here to live another day, but then reality hits, and I need money 20 years from now.  So, saving up is on my to-do list for 2016.

4.  Read 12 Personal Development Books

I've learned in the past couple of years, that filling yourself with good and inspirational things really DOES boost your morale and your outlook on life.  I can't stand Debbie downers, so I'm working on always seeing the good in everyday as opposed to the latter.  Personal Development is my jam when it comes to this.  My goal is to aim for 1 book a month.  I've got this.

5.  Have date-night with my Husband at least 1 time a month.

We have opposite schedules, so spontaneity is our go-to when it comes to date nights.  It's super important to make time for "us" especially since we are in our early stages of marriage and spending time with us and the pups before we talk about the "B" word.... you know what I mean?

6.  Go on at least 2 random weekend trips

We love to travel, and why not just pick up and go somewhere we haven't been before?  That's on my 2016 list!
Do you have any of the same resolutions as me?  If so, I want to hear them!

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