Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Introducing... Vanilla Shakeology!

I am SO SO excited to announce that Beachbody officially has Vanilla Shakeology available NOW!

It took nearly 2 years for them to come up with the right flavors that would not compromise the nutrition.

It was introduced at Summit (a HUGE conference for the Coaches) last week and I've heard amazing things about it!  Some even say it tastes like cake batter.  Can you say YUMMY?!

Here's a little video talking about how they came up with the Vanilla Flavor:

Also, this is something I JUST saw and I am SO EXCITED about- the different Vanilla Shakeo Recipes.  I've already fallen in love with MANY of these and cannot wait to give them all a try.  I LOVE my chocolate Shakeo BUT I am a vanilla girl ALL THE WAY (give me vanilla ice cream over chocolate ANY DAY!)

If you are interested in getting Vanilla Shakeology, click here!

A review will come as soon as I get the Vanilla Shakeo in! :)

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